About Me
Pariksit Dasa
Dr. Patick KodwinDr. Patrick Kodwin is dedicated ISKCON devotee
actively teachings Krishan Bhakti for peace and mindfulness
Phone : (717) 320-2894
Email : purify018@gmail.com
Website : https://ourify108.com
Address : 6200 Bedford St, Harrisburg, PA 17111
About Me
He was born in Sekondi, a small town in Ghana, West Africa, in April, 1952. He was the last born and grew up in a God-fearing Christian household. For his high school education he attended St Augustine’s Secondary School in Cape Coast, Ghana, one of the top high schools in the country. Music was also a major part of his life, and from the tender age of ten years, he began learning to play keyboard. He finished a correspondence music program from the Royal School of Music (based in Great Britain) before finishing St. Augustine’s. He played for the school’s orchestra. He majored in science at the high school
For his university program he graduated in 1977 from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, majoring in chemistry and science education (a program designed to train its graduates how to teach). He pursued his masters and doctoral program in physical-organic chemistry beginning 1978 and graduated in 1985 at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, USA.
After teaching for a year at Phillips Academy, Andover Massachusetts, and doing research at Howard University in medicinal chemistry, Washington DC, for two years, he was fortunate enough one day, to be given a gift of recordings of three lectures by His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami. The recordings provided answers to questions that heretofore he had not been able to find answers to, even after seeking answers from different religions like Ba’hai, Islam, Buddhism and other Christian religious denominations. He dove fully into Krishna consciousness, savoring all the points in all the lectures by Bhakti Tirtha Swami at the Institute of Applied Spiritual Technology (IFAST). He married and moved to Pennsylvania where he lived in and served at, the residence of Bhakti Tirtha Swami at the Gita Nagari spiritual rural community. He took spiritual initiation in 1994 from Bhakti Tirtha Swami. Later on he went back to teaching spending the bulk of those years at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He continued at Penn State University, Hazleton and retired in 2018.
He now spends time writing and recording music, writing spiritual books, and teaching how to make studying easier for students at the high school and university levels. The study study techniques have provided much help to many college students. He is now planning to to help parents to be more proactive in their academic success of their high school or college-going children. Parents can do far more to ensure the academic success of their children than they know, and he has the answers and the strategy.
Currently, he preaches in person at the Harrisburg ISKCON temple, and also online. He is also making an audio book of Srila Prabhupada’s Srimad Bhagavatam which will be made available on this website.
Hare Krishna
- PHD Graduattion : April, 1994
- ISKCON Initiation : March 1997
- Gita Nagari : 1980 - 2022
- ISKCON NY : 1986 - 1990
Joyfully serving in Krishna Consciousness for nearly 50 years, blessed with a loving wife and two wonderful daughters